Why do some kids engage in self-harm?

Here at CCD, we appreciate parents. Over the years, we've come to learn that the majority of parents want to do the best job possible for their children. Children can be complicated little beings. Over the next few months, we are going to host parent sessions on a variety of topics. This is an opportunity to learn, share, and bond with other parents. We'll also serve you breakfast. Topics- Divorced and blended families Children on the spectrum Anxiety and depression in children Helping your child with ADHD Grandparents raising grandchildren How to protect your child against addictions in this age of opioid abuse We'll host the sessions in three locations-including our Newark office. The first session will be held on May 5, 2018, in the Newark office. Lisa R. Savage, LCSW will engage parents in a discussion on, Self-harm-Why kids hurt themselves and how parents can help. This will be a popular topic, so we're asking families to register asap. It's 10.00 and you can register by clicking this link: Here at CCD, we appreciate parents. Over the years, we've come to learn that the majority of parents want to do the best job possible for their children. Children can be complicated little beings. Over the next few months, we are going to host parent sessions on a variety of topics. This is an opportunity to learn, share, and bond with other parents. We'll also serve you breakfast. Topics- Divorced and blended families Children on the spectrum Anxiety and depression in children Helping your child with ADHD Grandparents raising grandchildren How to protect your child against addictions in this age of opioid abuse We'll host the sessions in three locations-including our Newark office. The first session will be held on May 5, 2018, in the Newark office. Lisa R. Savage, LCSW will engage parents in a discussion on, Self-harm-Why kids hurt themselves and how parents can help. This will be a popular topic, so we're asking families to register asap. It's 10.00 and you can register by clicking this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/why-are-kids-hurting-themselves-tickets-44634536099