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Lisa Savage Phillips, CEO, LCSW

Lisa Savage, LCSW, is an alumna of the University of Pennsylvania who has dedicated her career to addressing health disparities and enhancing mental health services. She began her journey in Philadelphia, where she made a significant impact by providing essential services and education to individuals affected by HIV in underserved communities.

Ms. Savage is a strong advocate for community-based services and has extended her expertise to schools and various community settings. Over the last decade, she founded the Center for Child Development, which offers specialized mental health services for children and families within the school environment. She completed an intensive two-year training and research program at the University of Maryland, focusing on implementing evidence-based treatment protocols, contributing to the growth of her practice, which is now recognized as the largest black-owned mental health service for children and teens in the nation.

In addition to her clinical work, Lisa co-founded Clinicians of Color, LLC, an innovative online platform designed to support BIPOC clinicians and providers. This initiative offers resources and guidance and champions the cause of improving mental health service accessibility. A key project under this venture is creating a mental health directory to enhance the availability of culturally aligned providers for Black and Brown communities.

Ms. Savage is also a speaker, shedding light on critical issues such as racism and health equity. Her impactful advocacy in mental health was recently recognized with a prestigious award, underscoring her contributions to the community and the profession.

"Mental health services should be accessible to all who need assistance. I aim to be part of the solution, not the problem"