It’s been a rocky few months, but we’re here for you.

We can only imagine the stress that you and your children must be experiencing. We are living with a great deal of uncertainty, navigating the pandemic. By now, most schools are starting virtually with the plan to resume in-person learning by October. It can feel confusing and frustrating as you figure out what this means for your family life.

Many of us are tired, want to return to normal, and grieving the loss of many things. We get it. Here at CCD, we’ve had to make a lot of changes to adapt to the pandemic. We miss our office and face to face contact with our clients. We know it will end, but the unanswerable question is, when?

Meanwhile, it’s essential to do the best you can and manage your expectations of yourself and your children. Have compassion for yourself and resist feeling guilty when things aren’t going the way you planned. Remember, we’re here for you and your children, even if we aren’t able to meet in person. Stress and emotional strain, particularly now, can add to your woes. As much as you love your family, being on social distance is challenging. If you or your child is experiencing excessive worry, difficulty sleeping, trouble concentrating, more irritable, crying often, it might be time to seek help. Give us a call. Fortunately, we can still provide services via the phone or your computer without you having to leave your home’s comfort. We will continue to provide services to your children once school resumes. I strongly encourage you to speak to your child’s therapist to coordinate a time that works best.

Despite Corona, we are continuing to find creative ways to help. We have several virtual groups for children, teens, and adults– Managing anxiety for children and teens; Depression group for women; and an ADHD group for young children.

Give us a call, and we’ll connect you with the appropriate therapist. 302-292-1334 x101

We have therapists who are specialists in the following areas.:

Eye movement desensitization reprocessing (EMDR)—for children and adults who have experienced some form of trauma and can’t seem to move past it. The event can be recent or happened years ago.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)— a specialized play therapy for young children who often don’t listen, are aggressive or have anger problems. PCIT teaches them to calm down, pay attention, and learn to control their outbursts. Parents learn how to use discipline that works.

Marriage and Relationship therapy: We have therapists who can help save your marriage, improve communication, help you enjoy each other’s company, and decrease the arguments.

If you or your child is having difficulty sleeping, has lost interest/motivation in activities once enjoyed, experienced periods of irritability, excessive worry, restlessness, and hard time managing emotions, we are here to help. These may be signs of anxiety or depression. Reach out to us, and we can work together to identify the source of your stress and develop a treatment approach that is just right for you.\

As always, we have several therapists trained to work with children, teens, and adults who have anxiety, depression, self-esteem issues, grief, and other issues.

 What is trauma?

Trauma is a word that we’re hearing and using more to explain a myriad of issues with children and adults. What is trauma, and why is it important?

We often think of trauma as being a huge catastrophe event. It is that, but also includes other things that we might experience that can leave lasting adverse effects. Sometimes we assume that some life events don’t leave scars in the way that significant disasters do.

There are three types of trauma—acute, chronic, and complex.

Acute—occurs from a recent incident such as a car accident.

Chronic—occurs from ongoing events such as abuse.

Complex—occurs from a variety of incidents such as poverty, living in areas where there is ongoing violence, etc.

If the trauma is adequately addressed, a person can move on and not experience lasting effects. If unaddressed, the person often gets ‘stuck’ and is at risk of having physical and psychological effects. Unaddressed trauma can get ‘stuck’ in the body, triggering internal difficulties, and relationship challenges.

As you consider your experiences in life, ask yourself what unprocessed trauma are you still enduring? Is it still affecting you? How is it showing up in your relationships? Do you have physical problems that you can’t seem to get under control? You may have unresolved trauma.

Call us to help regain your mental and physical health. 302-292-1334 x101